"Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired in the morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired.”

- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Where Do I Go From Here?

I have not died. I just haven't posted in a while. I thought I would have more time during the summer months: no early morning scripture class to teach, more hours of daylight, I can run in the morning before work etc. Not so much. I don't know where the time has gone, maybe I've been on my hands and knees pleading with my grass to grow (and daring their weedy counterparts to continue growing) more than I realized. Whatever the reason, I apologize for the lack of posting.

If you have continued to visit regularly during the past few weeks, you've noticed some changes to the site. I'm hoping to have a sort of re-launch in a week or two (waiting on my little sister to finish up some work on some graphics). The changes grew out of the fact that after completing the Newport Marathon on June 5th and then the Seattle Rock 'n' Roll Marathon on June 26th my journey changed. I had run the marathon. It was done. And I was left with the question of "now what?"

I stepped away for a few weeks (from the website, not from running) and examined what it was I was hoping to accomplish by spending precious time writing about running. I thought about why someone might want to come to this site, read what was available and look forward to coming back. I knew it couldn't be just another running blog and or training site with training schedules, Top 10 lists and travelogues (though some of these things will still be mixed in from time to time). Rather, it needed to be something previously unavailable. Something that would fill a void. But it also needed to reflect who I am and why and how I run.

Here's who I am:

  • I started running June12th, 2009.
  • I am an average runner--nothing special.
  • After running my first 5k, I decided I was going to run a marathon--and I did it 11 months later.
  • Before running my first marathon, I knew I wanted to run lots of marathons--and I did my 2nd just 22 days after my first.
  • I follow the Fruit Predominant Diet--only fruit until dinner; and very little/if any fats, oils, meat, dairy or refined sugars. 
  • I don't cross-train.
  • I believe mental training is equal in importance to physical training
  • I believe the spirit, the sheer enjoyment of just getting out and running, is essential--thus, my mind-body-spirit approach
  • I run to compete against only myself (and occasionally my dad) and for personal accomplishment and fulfillment
So that's what's coming. 

A few quick running updates:

I've backed it off a little bit in July. After the two marathons in June I felt like my body was worn down and needed some extra recovery. The difference has been shorter Saturday runs (12-16 miles). Monday, Wednesday, Thursday schedule has remained the same.

I've started employing Jeff Galloway's run/walk method. Who'd have thought, huh? 8 minutes running, 1 minute walking. Also using more of a glide form. The first two weeks I shattered my PRs in the 5k, 5 mile, 8 mile and 10k distances including...

a 6th place overall finish in a local 10k last Saturday (out of 74). I've never been anywhere close to a top 10 finish in any race, so I was pleased...and a little unsure about what to do when I'm near the front. It shouldn't matter, but it was weird.

I've decided to run the Pocatello Marathon on September 4th. I'm driving my little brother back to school the day prior, so it made sense to stop and do it. It will be my first trip back up into the elevation since Run Like Hell last October. I'm a completely different runner now though, so I'm not too worried about it.


Travis C said...

I just cam across your blog and love it. It sounds a lot like me, after my firts 5K (in May) I was hooked too! I even share your grass growing pains!

I appreciate your detailed review of Seattle, I am running the San Jose Rock n' Roll half in October (preparing for the California International Marathon in December) and I really enjoy reading about what to expect at one of these events. Cool blog, thanks!

-Travis C.

Andrew Opala said...

cool, I just started running 3 months ago and have my first 5k in one month.

I think I will like reading this blog. If you have some time and advice, please stop by: runningmanwannabe.blogspot.com